Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh Happy Day.

Today was crazy and wonderful.

It was absolutely beautiful, warm and wonderful outside. The sky was super blue. I went on a walk with the Beyer family (my fake family) and the dogs (Charlie and Max).

I made Clara a birthday cake and cupcakes to bring to our show. I made it all by myself and it turned out wonderfully! Delicious.

We tried to pick Billy up from the airport and we got lost...because our exit was closed. And we didn't know what to do. Ugh. And hour and a half later, we got Billy from the airport.

Then, we rushed home, packed up our sound equipment, and rushed off to Murfreesboro for our show. It went super well! Billy, our producer, came. It was a blast. part...My family came! We gave Clara her birthday gifts before the show started, and sang to her and everything. It was just a wonderful night.

Now, I am spending quality time with Bryce, Ethan, Laine, Chris, and Anna. All my favorite people. How happy.

I'm sleepy. And I can't wait to see my family more tomorrow. And I'm excited for our week in the studio. I think I'm just happy right now. Super tired, but really happy. Thanks you Lord for a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey need to update your blog! : )

    Hugs!!! : )
